This policy statement describes the overall approach to and policy for the management of Health and Safety at work for Mission Accomplished Ltd (the “Company”) .
The Company aims to provide a safe and healthy working environment for all its employees, contractors, learners and visitors, and in order to achieve this we rely on their full support and cooperation. Health and Safety is the responsibility of all, and everyone’s recognition of this responsibility and the part they play is crucial. Our objectives are to prevent all injuries wherever possible, and to establish safe working practices throughout all areas and across all activities.
We acknowledge that it is the duty of the Directors to take all necessary steps to ensure that all plant and equipment is maintained in a safe condition and that the Company’s premises are free of defects that may affect the health of those using them. The Directors will comply with all statutory requirements concerning Health and Safety; but it is important that all staff and other users of the Company’s premises recognise that they have a responsibility to take all necessary precautions and do everything practicable to protect themselves and others from any harm that could arise from their actions or inactions.
Aims of This Policy
The aim of this policy statement is to set down the broad approach the Company takes towards the management of Health and Safety in the workplace. These include:
- Reinforcing the Company’s commitment to the provision of a healthy and safe environment for all its employees and stakeholders;
- Setting down a framework for risk assessment;
- Reminding all employees contractors and others acting on behalf of the Company of their responsibilities for Health and Safety at work;
- Providing advice, information and training relating to all aspects of Health and Safety to all individuals as required.
1. General
The Company is fully committed to meeting its responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974, the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 and associated legislation, both as an Employer and as a company.
The main responsibility for health and safety lies with the Directors and the CEO will be responsible for the overall management of Health and Safety at operational level.
To comply with its statutory and common law duties, the Company has arranged insurance against liability for death, injury and/or disease suffered by any of its employees arising out of and in the course of employment if caused by negligence and/or breach of statutory duty on the part of the Company.
Company employees agree that as part of their contract of employment they will comply with their individual duties under both the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974, and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 and will co-operate with the Company to enable it to fulfil its responsibilities under the Act.
Contractors agree that as part of any contract they have with the Company they will comply with their individual duties under both the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974, and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 and will co-operate with the Company to enable it to fulfil its responsibilities under the Act.
In accordance with the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR), the Company has instituted a system for reporting accidents, diseases and dangerous occurrences to the Health and Safety Executive in addition to its statutory duty to provide an accident reporting system.
The Company will comply with its duties towards employees under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974, and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 so far as is reasonably practicable, in order to:
- Provide and maintain equipment and systems of work that are safe and without risks to health, a safe place of work and safe systems of work;
- Ensure the safety and absence of risks to health in connection with the use, handling and storage of articles and substances;
- Provide such information, instruction, training and supervision as may be necessary to ensure the Health and Safety at work of its employees and stakeholders;
- Make regular risk assessments available to employees;
- Take appropriate preventive/protective measures;
- Provide employees with health surveillance where necessary;
- Appoint competent personnel to secure compliance with statutory duties and to undertake reviews of the policy as necessary.
This policy has been prepared in compliance with Section 2(3) of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974.
2. Organisation
The Directors have ultimate responsibility for ensuring that the Company fulfils its legal responsibilities, that policy objectives are achieved, and that effective systems and mechanisms are in place for the achievement of the policies concerned with Health and Safety, welfare and environmental protection. To achieve the Company’s overall objectives, the Directors will delegate responsibility for the overall management of Health and Safety at operational level to the CEO, who will give updates on the Health and Safety plan and whether any incidents or accidents or ‘near misses’ have occurred.
The CEO will ensure that Company policies are reviewed as appropriate in order to ensure continuing compliance with current legislation and any changes in the law. To these ends, the CEO will ensure the allocation of the resources necessary to maintain proper and efficient Health and Safety arrangements.
The CEO will ensure the appointment of Health and Safety advisors to assist the Company in undertaking the measures it needs to take to comply with the requirements and prohibitions imposed upon it by or under relevant statutory provisions.In particular, the CEO is responsible for implementing and monitoring Health and Safety procedures within the Company, and ensuring that:
- A suitable Health and Safety Policy is in place;
- The Health and Safety Policy is regularly reviewed and updated as necessary in accordance with statutory requirements and current good practice;
- This policy is implemented and communicated to all necessary personnel;
- Adequate resources are made available to achieve the Company’s Health and Safety objectives;
- Adequate welfare facilities are provided and maintained;
- A Health and Safety notice board is established at the premises and managed on a regular basis to display:
- A Health and Safety at Work poster;
- A valid Certificate of Employer’s Liability;
- A copy of the Health and Safety statement signed by the CEO;
- The names of the Company’s first aiders;
- The location of the first aid box and the process to report an accident;
- A copy of the fire evacuation procedures and location of the assembly point.
The CEO will:
- Advise on, co-ordinate, conduct and monitor Health and Safety training as required;
- Report all accidents to the Directors;
- Report all reportable accidents and incidents to the Health and Safety Executive in accordance with the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR);
- Promote responsible attitudes towards Health and Safety throughout the Company;
- Ensure that an effective Health and Safety System of working is actioned/recorded and maintained throughout the Company;
The CEO will also ensure that suitable arrangements are in place for the health and safety of all employees, and that the Company’s Health and Safety policies, procedures and practices are reviewed regularly to ensure that they remain adequate.
Health and Safety Advisors
The Company will appoint one or more Health and Safety Advisors to assist in undertaking the measures required to comply with the requirements and prohibitions imposed by or under the relevant statutory provisions. The Health and Safety Advisors will work with the CEO to keep them up to date with any Health and Safety matters applicable to the operations of the Company.
Managers / Course Leaders
Managers / Course Leaders will be responsible for implementing the Company Health and Safety Policy within their area(s) of responsibility and ensuring that adequate procedures are in place to meet with the Company’s Health and Safety objectives. In particular, Managers / Course Leaders are responsible for ensuring that within their area(s) of responsibility:
- A responsible attitude towards Health and Safety is promoted;
- The Health and Safety Policy is implemented and communicated to all necessary personnel;
- Routes of communication are provided and maintained within their departments to facilitate the effective exchange of Health and Safety information through all levels of the organisation as appropriate;
- Suitable and sufficient risk assessments are carried out for all tasks & activities, and that those risk assessments are reviewed periodically or when circumstances change;
- Share all risk assessments with the CEO;
- Ensure that staff are aware of risk assessments and keep in a central location that is easily accessible by all;
- Safe methods of working are developed and implemented;
- Fire precautions and emergency procedures are implemented and communicated to all employees and other necessary personnel;
- All contractors are competent to carry out the applicable works, are provided with adequate information regarding any risks at the premises, and that they are adequately monitored and controlled whilst working at the premises;
- All hazardous substances are identified, assessed and the appropriate precautions implemented;
- All work equipment is fit for purpose and that all risks associated with work equipment, activities and processes have been assessed;
- Induction training is provided to all employees upon commencing work for the Company;
- All employees are provided with training, instruction and supervision appropriate to their role and responsibilities;
- Inspections are carried out at suitable intervals to ensure that workplaces remain, as far as reasonably practicable, safe and without risks to the safety and health of employees, visitors, clients, contractors, and other persons who may be affected by the Company’s activities;
- All necessary personal protective equipment is provided, maintained and replaced as necessary;
- All accidents and dangerous occurrences are recorded and reported to the CEO and Directors.
All Employees are responsible for co-operating with the Company and assisting the Company to meet its Health and Safety objectives.
In particular, all employees are responsible for ensuring that:
- They are aware of this Safety Policy and their responsibilities within it;
- They abide by procedures contained within this policy and other notices on Company notice boards. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary procedures;
- They cooperate with the Company in meeting its statutory duties;
- At all times, they take reasonable care of themselves and others who may be affected by their acts or omissions;
- They use any equipment, substance or safety device provided by the Company in accordance with any training or instruction provided;
- They do not intentionally or recklessly interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interest of Health and Safety;
- They attend, and take note of any Health and Safety training required including induction training;
- All accidents, dangerous occurrences and near misses are immediately reported to their line manager;
- They are fully conversant with all fire, emergency and first aid procedures applicable to the area in which they are working;
- Where an employee identifies any condition, which in his or her opinion is hazardous, the situation is immediately reported to their line manager
The Company has a duty of care for the learners that we work with. The following will apply:
- Health and Safety vetting will take place prior to undertaking training and on an annual basis;
- The Health and Safety policy of the Company will be adopted whilst on that site;
- A safe learning environment will be provided and maintained whilst learning is under the supervision of our employees / contractors, including the reporting of incidents and accidents.
- Learners / Course Delegates will be asked in advance if they have need particular accommodations to be made for access / egress (including a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan if required), dietary requirements, access to medicines as applicable and these will be reflected in the risk assessment / other documentation as appropriate.
Visitors and other users of the premises are required to observe the Company’s Health and Safety Policy, including the appropriate fire, emergency and first aid procedures, along with any specific instructions from duly authorised representatives of the Company.
All visitors to the Company’s premises (including hired venues) are required to sign in on arrival and sign out again on departure, even if only leaving the premises for a short period.
Visitors who observe or become aware of any hazardous conditions or circumstances are requested to advise their host as soon as possible in the interests of the Health and Safety of employees, visitors and contractors. In the event of an incident or emergency, all visitors should comply with instructions from their host and/or duly authorised representatives of the Company.
Contractors are responsible for complying with the relevant statutory duties placed upon them by the Health and Safety at Work, etc. Act 1974, the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 and other applicable Regulations.
This responsibility includes ensuring that all employees and subcontractors are competent to carry out their work safely, and in accordance with the relevant standards & statutory requirements.
Contractors are also responsible for complying with the Company’s contractor’s rules and any instructions regarding Health and Safety from duly authorised representatives of the Company.
Contractors are responsible for assessing the risks associated with their work on behalf of the Company, and the methods to be used to eliminate those risks or reduce them so far as reasonably practicable. Contractors should provide adequate information to the Company regarding these risks and the methods used to control them.
3. Arrangements
Risk Assessments
The CEO and Managers / Course Leaders will ensure that suitable and sufficient risk assessments are carried out for all areas and tasks within their area of responsibility. Where appropriate, Health and Safety Advisors will provide assistance, guidance training and support in the carrying out of these risk assessments.
Copies of risk assessments will be held centrally and periodically audited for their adequacy. Such risk assessments will be reviewed periodically, or where there are significant changes of circumstances.
Appropriate safe systems of work, including method statements, will be developed by managers, based upon the findings of their risk assessments, and communicated to all necessary employees, contractors & visitors.
Accident / Near Miss Reporting and Investigation
All staff are responsible for reporting accidents to their line manager.
All accidents are to be recorded in the Company’s Accident reporting system.
The CEO and Managers / Course Leaders will ensure that all accidents and near misses are investigated to establish the direct and indirect causes.
The CEO will report all reportable injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences to the enforcing authority as required by the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013.
The CEO will make arrangements for regular meetings / communications to facilitate consultation with employees at all levels regarding Health and Safety.
This consultation will involve a combination of formal and informal consultation, such as safety meetings, departmental meetings and discussion groups, as well as encouraging individual consultation between the Company and employees where appropriate.
Contractor Competence and Control
The Company will seek to identify suitable contractors through competence checks and selection procedures.
All contractors will be required to satisfy the Company that they are competent to carry out their work safely by complying with the Company’s contractor selection, assessment and approval procedures. Only contractors who provided the necessary evidence to the satisfaction of the Company will be authorised to carry out work on behalf of the Company.
The Company will ensure that any known Health and Safety hazards within the area of work are communicated to contractors and all contractors selected to carry out any work on behalf of the Company will be made aware of the standard of Health and Safety management that is expected of them.
The Company will issue safety rules and standards to contractors and will carry out periodic checks and inspections to ensure that these are being adhered to.
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)
The Company will identify all hazardous substances used, transported, and/or stored, and ensure that Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) are obtained for them and where reasonably practicable, hazardous substances will be avoided or substituted by a less hazardous alternative.
The Company will arrange for COSHH Assessments to be carried out for all substances hazardous to health under its control.
Adequate precautions will be implemented to eliminate or reduce the risks from hazardous substances, including the provision of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to employees free of charge.
Assessment findings will be conveyed to employees. Employees will be provided with information, instruction & training regarding hazardous substances they use as part of their work.
Employees must comply with the assessment findings and, if necessary, wear the appropriate PPE.
Display Screen Equipment
The Company will ensure that all users of Display Screen Equipment (DSE) are identified and that they have completed a display screen assessment form. Copies of all display screen assessment forms will be retained in the relevant personnel files.
Managers will review the assessment form and take the action necessary to make the workstation safe for the user.
All DSE users should be provided with a copy of the guidance on the safe use of DSE and should make necessary adjustments to their workstation and equipment.
The Company will ensure that all its fixed and portable electrical installations and equipment is tested, inspected and maintained by competent persons in accordance with the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 and other relevant legislation and standards.
Staff should carry out visual inspections of any electrical appliances before they use them and report any defects to their manager immediately.
Emergency Procedures
The Company will develop, maintain and review as necessary procedures to be followed in the event of emergencies or serious and imminent danger to employees and other persons affected by its activities.
Fire Safety
The Company will develop and maintain procedures to minimise fire risks within premises occupied by the Company.
The Company will ensure that suitable and sufficient fire risk assessments are have been carried out in accordance with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 at all applicable premises occupied by or under the control of the Company.
The Company will ensure that all necessary fire precautions are in place at premises under the Company’s control.
Fire alarms are to be tested weekly where practicable. Fire drills and practices will be held at each site twice-yearly to rehearse and test the fire evacuation arrangements and staff compliance.
All staff are responsible for complying with all fire precautions applicable to their area(s) of work and informing the Company of any concerns or uncontrolled fire hazards.
First Aid
The Company will carry out a First Aid Needs Risk Assessment and ensure that adequate first aid personnel and equipment are provided at each site. Details of first aid personnel and equipment will be displayed at appropriate locations throughout the premises.
First Aiders and Appointed Persons will be provided with the relevant first aid qualifications through suitably accredited first aid training organisations and will be provided with refresher training as necessary.
First Aiders / Appointed Persons will be responsible for checking first aid boxes on a monthly basis and their replenishment as necessary.
Gas Safety
The Company will ensure that any gas installations and equipment within premises occupied by the Company are tested, inspected and maintained by competent persons in accordance with the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998 and other relevant legislation and standards.
The Company will ensure that only appropriately qualified and competent engineers install, adjust, maintain, repair & service gas installations within premises occupied by the Company, and that evidence of such competence is obtained and stored by the Company.
Health and Safety Training
The Company will ensure that all employees are provided with adequate information, instruction & training to enable them to carry out their role safely. Such Health & training will include:
- The Health and Safety Policy and their responsibilities within it;
- Their responsibility to take reasonable care of themselves and others who may be affected by their acts or omissions;
- Information regarding significant hazards associated with their work, and the precautions in place to eliminate those hazards, or control the risks arising from them;
- The importance of following risk assessments and method statements, and of using any equipment, substance or safety device provided by the Company in accordance with any training or instruction provided;
- The importance of using any Personal Protective Equipment provided, ensuring that such equipment is maintained in a condition fit for that use, and that any defects are reported immediately to management;
- The procedures for reporting accidents, dangerous occurrences and near misses;
- Fire & emergency procedures applicable to the area in which they are working;
- The requirement to report any condition to their line manager, which in their opinion is hazardous
Home Working
The Company will assess the risks to employees working from home and take measures to eliminate or reduce those risks.
The Company will provide information and training to home workers regarding the hazards associated with working from home.
The Company will consider the specific risks to New and Expectant Mothers working from home and implement the appropriate controls.
The Company will ensure that all new employees are provided with induction training appropriate to their role. Employees transferring to a new role within the organisation will be provided with induction training appropriate to their new role.
Induction training will include:
- Overview of the Company Health and Safety Policy;
- Responsibilities and lines of reporting relating to Health and Safety;
- Information regarding the hazards and risks associated with the role;
- Procedures for serious and imminent danger (e.g. fire);
- Safe systems of work such as Permits to Work and Method Statements;
- Accident reporting procedures and First Aid arrangements;
- Procedures for consultation in matters of Health and Safety.
The Company will adopt as far as reasonably practicable the principles of control and management identified in the current edition of the HSE Approved Code of practice and Guidance Document L8 “The Control of Legionella Bacteria in Water Systems” (ACOP L8) in premises where it has a duty to do so, or will so far as is practicable ensure that spaces being rented / leased have been assessed by the landlord’s / lessor’s qualified contractors.
Lone Working
Lone workers are defined as those who work alone without close or direct supervision. Examples of Lone Working activities within the Company include:
- Persons visiting or inspecting occupied and unoccupied premises / venues;
- Persons opening or closing premises / venues at the start and end of the working day;
- People working outside ‘normal’ office hours e.g. evenings and weekends;
- Mobile workers, and those working away from their normal place of work.
Where reasonably practicable, measures will be taken to avoid Lone Working through the organisation of work routines and practices. Where it is not possible to avoid Lone Working, the risks to employees will be assessed, and suitable arrangements will be put in place to minimise risks.
Manual Handling
Where reasonably practicable, manual handling activities with risks to employees’ Health and Safety will be avoided through the use of mechanical aids such as trollies etc. Where manual handling is unavoidable, hazardous activities will be suitably assessed and actions taken to eliminate, reduce or control manual handling risks. Staff who undertake manual handling tasks will be provided with guidance on the safe lifting of loads, taking into account:
The Task | The nature of the manual handling task to be carried out |
The Individual | The capabilities and limitations of the individual(s) carrying out the task |
The Load | The weight, shape, stability and other physical characteristics of the load to be moved |
The Environment | Environmental factors likely to affect the manual handling activity, such as floor surfaces, obstacles, changes in levels, lighting and noise |
Staff are responsible for complying with the instructions and guidance provided; utilising any manual handling aids provided, and following recognised safe lifting and handling procedures.
New and Expectant Mothers – Risk Assessment Requirements
Employees who become pregnant should inform their line manager as soon possible. The Company will then carry out a risk assessment for the expectant mother taking into account the generic assessment, the expectant mother and their work. The assessment will be reviewed regularly throughout the pregnancy and when the new mother returns to work.
Safety Inspections
The Company will arrange for active monitoring of Health and Safety standards to be carried out at regular intervals.
The Company will ensure that workplaces are periodically inspected for defects and that any such defects are rectified as soon as practicable, or that suitable measures are taken to ensure that employees, visitors, clients, contractors and members of the public are not exposed to risks arising from those defects.
Slips & Trips
The Company will ensure that floors and walkways are suitable for their purpose, in a good condition and free from obstructions.
The Company will arrange periodic visual inspections of workplaces and take appropriate remedial action to reduce the risks.
Staff should not create any slip or trip hazards; should clear any spillage that they make; and should wear suitable footwear while at work and should report any slip or trip hazards they see.
The Health and Safety Executive defines stress as “the adverse reaction people have to excessive pressure or other types of demand placed upon them”.
The Company will:
- Identify workplace stressors and take reasonable measures to control the risks from stress;
- Provide information to managers in good management practices;
- Provide support to assist staff to access counselling for stress caused by either work or external factors;
- Provide adequate resources to enable managers to implement the Company’s stress management strategy.
Violence and Aggression
Work related violence can be defined as any incident in which a person is abused, threatened or assaulted in circumstances relating to their work.
The Company will not tolerate anti-social behaviour from or towards, customers, employees or contractors and will deal firmly with such incidents and the Company will treat all complaints of violence and abusive behaviour directed toward staff and contractors seriously, investigate each case carefully and take appropriate action to protect staff and contractors.
The Company will assess the risks of violence and aggression in the workplace and take appropriate measures to reduce those risks, including:
- Identifying potentially violent customers and members of the public in advance;
- Providing training to staff so that they can spot the early signs of aggression, and either avoid or cope with it;
- Arranging for staff to be accompanied by a colleague if they are required to meet with a person they suspect may act aggressively or violently;
- Where necessary, consider physical measures such as CCTV cameras, alarm systems & security systems.
Where employees have experienced violence or aggression in the workplace, the Company will provide counselling and support to minimise any long-term distress.
The Company will provide adequate welfare facilities for people at work in accordance with the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992. These provisions will include:
- Adequate ventilation, either natural or mechanical;
- Adequate working temperatures;
- Sufficient lighting to enable people to work and move about safely;
- Appropriate cleaning of the workplace, furniture, furnishings and finishes;
- Appropriate storage and removal of waste;
- Adequate room dimensions and space to allow people to move about with ease;
- Suitable and ergonomically efficient workstations and seating;
- Sufficient traffic routes to allow people and vehicles to circulate safely and with ease;
- Windows and skylights that can be cleaned safely and, where required, are openable;
- Doors and gates that are suitably constructed and fitted with safety devices if necessary;
- Suitable and sufficient sanitary conveniences and washing facilities;
- An adequate supply of drinking water;
- Suitable and sufficient, readily available rest facilities;
- Maintenance of the above.
Work at Height
A place is ‘at height’ if a person could be injured falling from it, even if it is at or below ground level. ‘Work‘ includes moving around at a place of work, but not travel to or from a place of work.
The Company will:
- Take measures to avoid work at height where reasonably practicable;
- Provide work equipment or other measures to prevent falls where working at height cannot avoid be avoided;
- Where the risk of a fall cannot be eliminated, use work equipment or other measures to minimise the distance and consequences of a fall should one occur.
The Company will seek to control and minimise the risks associated with working at height by ensuring that:
- All work at height is properly planned and organized;
- All work at height takes account of weather conditions that could endanger Health and Safety;
- Those involved in work at height are trained and competent;
- The place where work at height is done is safe;
- Equipment for work at height is appropriately inspected;
- The risks from fragile surfaces are properly controlled;
- The risks from falling objects are properly
Work Equipment
Work equipment is almost any equipment used by persons whilst at work including (but not limited to):
- Office equipment;
- Access equipment (ladders and stepladders);
- Lifting equipment (trolleys, barrows, hoists etc.).
The Company will ensure that:
- All work equipment is suitable for the purpose for which it is provided;
- All work equipment is maintained in an efficient state, efficient working order and in good repair;
- All work equipment is where necessary, inspected prior to use and at regular intervals to ensure its on-going safety for use;
- Where specific risks exist, the Company will ensure that the use of such equipment is restricted to authorised persons;
- Where necessary, appropriate signage is provided warning of specific risks associated with the relevant work equipment;
- Relevant training is provided to persons operating work equipment.
Work Related Driving
Work related driving can be defined as any occasion when an employee is required to drive as part of their work. This might include (but is not limited to):
- Driving to Company sites / premises;
- Driving to meetings/seminars;
- Visiting clients/customers;
- Travelling to airports etc. as part of a longer business trip.
The Company will assess the risks of work-related driving activities and will take measures to reduce any risks. Where necessary, employees will be provided with training, information and instruction regarding work-related driving, and the procedures to be followed.
Employees who drive on behalf of the Company must not:
- Drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs;
- Carry hitchhikers or unauthorised persons;
- Use a mobile telephone or mobile device whilst driving, this is strictly prohibited;
- Drive in a manner that places themselves, other road users or pedestrians at risk;
- Drive whilst
The Company will implement procedures to ensure that all drivers are eligible to drive the relevant vehicle(s); that they hold the relevant licence; that their vehicle has a valid MOT certificate; and that they hold insurance for the use of their vehicle for business purposes.
Young Workers – Risk Assessment Requirements
The Company will assess the risks to young persons (under 18 years old) before they start work, taking into account their lack of experience and training. They should also take account of any specific restrictions (use of dangerous machinery, etc.). The findings of the risk assessments should be provided to their school or guardians if they are below the minimum school leaving age (16 years). Adequate supervision and training must be provided.
Health and Safety Audits
The Company will arrange Health and Safety audits as necessary, which will include a systematic examination of the Health and Safety management of the business and include the following areas:
- Policy;
- Organisation;
- Arrangements;
- Implementation and Monitoring
Version Number | 2 |
Issue Date / Last Review Date | 1st October 2024 |
Review Date | 1st October 2025 |