HETV: Return to work in Craft and Tech

final date to apply by
Wednesday 10th January
  • Are you watching brilliant drama series and wishing you could Return to Work in HETV?

  • Are you asking yourself how on earth could I return because I’ve had a career break and my knowledge feels out of date?

  • Are you lacking confidence in how to approach returning to work in HETV and how to find opportunities?

This online Return to Work training programme is free to attend, thanks to funding from the HETV Skills Fund. This programme is here to help you find a way back to doing the work you want to do in HETV and most importantly in a way that will work for both you and your production.

A group of 8 adults sat around a table in an office space looking at 2 guest speakers. With note books and coffee.

This course is designed to assist those who’ve previously worked in craft and tech departments on HETV programmes who are looking to return to work after a career break. The course is designed to build confidence, raise awareness of opportunities and to help you think differently about how you could bring your services to a production. The course will provide you with the tools you need to seek opportunities, return with confidence, work successfully as a freelancer, and re-build a sustainable career in HETV.

The course is taught by Alison Grade and Sarah McCaffrey who are both experienced industry trainers. In addition to the training course, there are up to 6 funded placements available for eligible participants.

By the end of this course, participants will have the knowledge and confidence to return to HETV.

We are looking to help people who:

  • Have been out of the screen industries for 12+ months

  • Are looking to gain insight into the current HETV workplace
  • Are wanting to rebuild confidence
  • Are looking to reconnect and rebuild networks
  • Are preparing or thinking about returning to work in HETV
  • Want to make work, work for them

If you are thinking about returning to HETV following a break from TV, have previously worked in a craft or tech department, but are not sure where to start then this course is for you.

Applications will be assessed on a rolling basis.

We welcome applications from all individuals, if you would like support completing the application form and or would like us to send it to you in an alternative format please email  training@mission.guru.

Delivery team

Our Funders

ScreenSkills High end TV logo

This training is supported by the ScreenSkills High-end TV Skills Fund with contributions from UK high-end TV productions.

This Return to Work programme is designed to assist early, experienced or early expert career stages craft and tech professionals looking to return to the industry following a career break (12+ months) and provide them with the tools they need to seek opportunities, return with confidence, work successfully as a freelancer, and re-build a sustainable career in HETV.

This programme is aimed to support up to 12 people who have previous HETV experience in one of the following departments:

  • Costume
  • Hair and Make-up
  • Art department
  • Locations
  • Cameras
  • Sound

The training format encompasses a blend of face-to-face and online re-training and orientation days. Participants will engage in a series of 4-hour and 2-hour online sessions, leading up to a culminating in-person day for course closure. Throughout the programme, each participant will benefit from four personalized 1-2-1 sessions, starting with an initial meeting with course leaders. Subsequent sessions include dedicated time for CV development, interaction with an HETV professional from their department, and a final session featuring a practice interview conducted by a course tutor, complete with constructive feedback.

Date Time Location
Monday, January 15, 2024 10:00 – 14:00 Zoom
Monday, January 22, 2024 10.00 – 14.00 Zoom
Monday, January 29, 2024 18.30 – 20.30 Zoom
Monday, February 5, 2024 18.30 – 20.30 Zoom
Monday, February 12, 2024 18.30 – 20.30 Zoom
Monday, February 19, 2024 11:00 – 16:00 In-person, Location: Birmingham, (TBC)

The training will include groups and individual career coaching, confidence in returning to the workplace sessions and ‘soft skills’ training. It will combine positive psychology and strategies to optimise performance both within a team and individually. It will focus on helping individuals explore where they are now versus where they want to be. The aim is to examine behaviour and thought processes and implement positive changes with practical tools that can enhance professional and personal growth. 

Date Session number Course Content
Monday, 15th January, 2024 1
  • How to assess and reflect on your current situation
  • Resilient thinking and challenging thoughts
  • How to establish and work with a growth mindset
  • What’s holding me back from returning to work?
  • The 4 burners model; family, friends, health and work
  • Freelance mindset
  • How to assess and reflect on your current situation – Skills Audit
  • What skills can I offer – package of previous experience in HETV and skills outside of industry?
  • What’s my Secret Sauce? 

Monday, 22nd January, 2024

  • What are my ‘soft skills’?
  • How do my ‘soft skills’ add value to my knowledge and experience
  • Why me? Why will productions hire me?
  • CVs
  • Developing professional profiles online 
  • Different types of interviews 

Monday, 29th January, 2024

  • Communicating my offering 
  • Understanding my communication style
  • Building rapport with others 
  • Understanding my networks.

Monday, 5th February, 2024

  • Guest Speaker – Negotiation skills workshop 

Monday, 12th February, 2024

  • Guest Speaker – Department experts x 2 from HETV 
  • Taking the temperature of the industry  

Monday, 19th February, 2024 (In-person, Location: Birmingham, TBC)

  • Action planning and next steps 
  • Ready to return checklist and plan of action 
  • Guest speakers from HETV / Scripted 

In addition to the workshop sessions each participant will be offered: 

  • 1 x 1-2-1 sessions with Sarah or Alison (before the course starts) 
  • 1 x 1-2-1 sessions to work on CV 
  • 1 x 1-2-1 practice interview session 
  • 1 x 1-2-1 with department-specific HETV mentor  

Following the training, it is planned that six participants will be supported with a funded placement. We work with the ScreenSkills HETV team to source and set up funded placements for up to six people on high-end television productions.

By the end of training course participants will have:

  • Gained insight into the current marketplace and opportunities in HETV 
  • Built confidence in their ability to return to work 
  • Feel prepared to re-enter the workplace 
  • An action plan to market themselves to potential productions 
  • Re-connected with those in their networks 

By the end of this course, participants will have the knowledge and confidence to return to work in HETV.

Course Tutors

Alison Grade
Alison GradeCourse Director
Alison founded and runs Mission Accomplished. The company regularly delivers training courses for ScreenSkills. Alison is an experienced Line Producer and Production Manager as well as a Nesta Accredited Creative Enterprise Trainer. She regularly delivers training that enables creatives to take their careers to the next level. Alison is the author of Penguin published book, The Freelance Bible and offer many workshops and training programmes to support freelancers
Sarah McCaffrey
Sarah McCaffreyCourse Tutor
Sarah has extensive experience delivering training programmes for ScreenSkills. She founded independent mental health and training company Solas Mind in 2019. Sarah is a fully qualified psychotherapist and offers mental health services including counselling and training in the film and tv industry. Sarah regularly runs mental health workshops, leadership and management training for ScreenSkills and Solas Mind supports the trainee finder trainees.