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The Guiding Principles of Departmental Budgeting 24-25
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Application Form The Guiding Principles of Departmental Budgeting 24-25
Application Form The Guiding Principles of Departmental Budgeting 24-25
Viktorija Safonova
The Guiding Principles of Departmental Budgeting 2024-2025
" indicates required fields
Contact Information
About you
Equal Opportunities
Application Form
What is your current UK Postcode?
ZIP / Postal Code
Please choose region
Northern Ireland
Please choose the region in England
East Midlands
North East
North West
South East
South West
West Midlands
Yorkshire and the Humber
If you have another base in the UK you regularly work out of please do include this:
Mission Accomplished and ScreenSkills are keen to ensure the broadest reach of applicants from across the UK.
Northern Ireland
England - East
England - East Midlands
England - London
England - North East
England - North West
England - South East
England - South West
England - West Midlands
England - Yorkshire and the Humber
What genre do you work in primarily?
HETV / Continuing Drama
Feature Films
Short films
What department do you work in?
Art Department
Hair and Make-up
Please specify the department you work in
Please detail your 2 most recent credits.
First Credit
Please detail title of production, your credit and the director
Second Credit
Please detail title of production, your credit and the director
Please upload your most recent CV
Max. file size: 2 MB.
Please provide a link to your website and/or LinkedIn profile
Please provide a link to your ScreenSkills profile URL
What are the areas of budgeting you are most keen to learn on this course?
If you would prefer to answer the question above in an alternative format
Please upload your Audio / Video
Max. file size: 2 MB.
How many years experience do you have in your selected department ?
0-2 years
3 years +
This course is in two parts - on-demand learning followed by a department specific live Zoom session for those with 3+ years' experience. Please note some applicants may only be eligible for the on-demand learning. The Production Accountant live session is open to ALL who qualify for the live sessions. This session offers a valuable insight into what a Production Accountant needs from you and tips for effective communication. Within 48hours of acceptance to the course you will be sent the details to access the on-demand training. Use the selector below to select your department for the live session.
Please use the selector for the live Zoom class
Hair and Make Up
Art Department
Live Zoom Class
Production Accountant Session
Equal Opportunities
ScreenSkills and Mission Accomplished are committed to Equal Opportunities within the screen sector. Applications are invited from all members of the community and particularly from those who are currently underrepresented in the film and TV industry, e.g. from members of the Black and Minority Ethnic communities, from those who are disabled and from women. Please help us by completing this form. If you prefer not to, then please select option in response to each question when filling in your form. However, it is hard for us to contribute to improving diversity and inclusivity in UK screen when we do not know who is out there. The information you provide will remain confidential.
What is your age?
Do you consider yourself to have a disability, impairment, learning difference or long-term condition?
The Equality Act 2010 defines disability as ‘a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial & long term effect on a person’s ability to carry out normal day to day activities’.
Prefer not to say
What best describes your ethnic group?
Ethnic origin is not about nationality, place of birth or citizenship. It is about the group to which you perceive you belong. Please tick one only. If you belong to multiple groups, you can indicate mixed background below.
Asian/Asian British - Bangladeshi
Asian/Asian British - Chinese
Asian/Asian British - Indian
Asian/Asian British - Pakistani
Asian/Asian British - prefer not to say
Any other Asian background prefer to self describe
Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - African
Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - Caribbean
Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - prefer not to say
Any other Black/African/Caribbean background prefer to self describe
Mixed/Multiple Ethnic Groups - White and Asian
Mixed/Multiple Ethnic Groups - White and Black African
Mixed/Multiple Ethnic Groups - White and Black Caribbean
Mixed/Multiple Ethnic Groups - prefer not to say
Any other mixed background prefer to self describe
White - British
White - Gypsy or Irish Traveller
White - English
White - Irish
White - Northern Irish
White - Scottish
White - Welsh
White - prefer not to say
Any other white background prefer to self describe
Other ethnic group - prefer not to say
Any other ethnic group prefer to self describe
Prefer not to say ethnic background
Prefer to self-describe
What best describes your gender?
Prefer not to say
Prefer to self-describe
Prefer to self-describe
Do you identify as trans?
Prefer not to say
Prefer to self-describe
Prefer to self-describe
What best describes your sexual orientation?
Gay man
Gay woman/Lesbian
Prefer not to say
Prefer to self-describe
Prefer to self-describe
What type of school did you mainly attend between the ages of 11 and 16?
Although socio-economic background is not a protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010, according to the Diversity in TV report by Ofcom in 2018, all of the main five broadcasters have acknowledged that this is a key area with which the industry needs to continue to engage.
Attended school outside the UK
Independent or fee-paying school - bursary
Independent or fee-paying school - no bursary
State-run or state-funded school - non-selective
State-run or state-funded school - selective on academic, faith or other grounds
Don’t know
Prefer not to say
Prefer to self-describe
Prefer to self-describe
What work did your parent/caregiver do?
Please think about the parent or other care-giver who was the highest income earner in your house when you were around 14 years old. What kind of work did they do? If this question does not apply to you (because for example, you were in care at this time), you can indicate this below.
Clerical and intermediate occupations e.g. secretary, personal assistant, nursery nurse, office clerk, call centre agent
Middle or junior managers e.g. office manager, warehouse manager, restaurant manager
Modern professional occupations e.g. teacher, nurse, social worker, artist, musician, software designer
Routine manual and service occupations e.g. van driver, cleaner, porter, waiter/waitress, bar staff
Semi-routine manual and service occupations e.g. postal worker, security guard, machine worker, receptionist, sales assistant
Senior managers and administrators e.g. finance manager, chief executive
Technical and craft occupations e.g. fitter, plumber, printer, electrician
Traditional professional occupations e.g. accountant, solicitor, scientist, medical practitioner
Long-term unemployment e.g. claimed Jobseeker’s Allowance or earlier unemployment benefit for more than a year
This question does not apply to me
Prefer not to say
Do you have caring responsibilities?
Primary carer of a child or children (under 18 years)
Primary carer of a disabled child or children (under 18 years old)
Primary carer or assistant for a disabled adult (18 years and over)
Primary carer or assistant for an older person or people (65 years and over)
Secondary carer (another person carries out main caring role)
Prefer not to say
Confirmation of Attendance
ScreenSkills requires participants who are accepted onto the course to have completed, and where applicable, hold current certification for the following online courses prior to this course starting:
Inclusive Hiring for the Screen Industries
Introduction to Sustainability for the Screen Industries
Spreadsheet Module in Software Upskilling for Screen Professionals
We will ask for evidence of completion as part of the acceptance process.
We recommend all applicants consider taking these free online courses as a core part of their professional development.
Please tell us how you found out about this course
Recommended by friend/colleague
Other industry newsletter
X formerly know as Twitter
We would welcome further details on how you found out about this course
I confirm that I am eligible to work in the UK
By using the Mission Accomplished website (and in particular by submitting your application for this training course to Mission Accomplished Ltd), you give your consent to the collection, storage and use of your, as described in our
I confirm that should I be selected for the course I will provide my ScreenSkills profile url or set up a ScreenSkills profile. If requested I will provide feedback on the training which would include providing ScreenSkills with a quote about my experience.
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